The concept

let's go restart
Permanent weight loss >> Lose it for life <<
The yo-yo effect or yo-yo dieting is a very common situation in which people struggle to maintain their goal weight. People lose weight, but then after their weightloss regain all the weight they have lost and then repeat this process over and over again
This becomes a vicious circle that makes it increasingly difficult to lose weight and not only has a negative impact their metabolism, it can have lots of harmful side effects on your health and well-being.
Most of the weight loss during a crash diet is initially caused by the loss of fluids and muscles instead of body fat. When your muscle mass decreases, your body will adapt by slowing down your metabolism. This makes it almost impossible to lose more weight, because your body will start to conserve energy and protect its fat stores.
The "restart - eat more, weigh" less program is a medically and scientifically proven approach that can help you improve your health and well-being, not just 
lose weight. The difference is amazing!

What if losing weight doesn’t mean cutting back on portion sizes? Is there is a way to really eat more but weigh less?

The concept may sound too good to be true, but let's explore the science behind the restart concept and why you'll stop counting calories once you've adopted it.
It’s certainly important to enjoy what you eat, but many foods – particularly processed and fast foods are designed to satisfy your tastebuds and don’t leave you feeling satisfied. The high sugar, salt or oil in these foods have you craving for more even though they may not be the best for your body. Instead try giving your body what it truly needs – nutrients from quality protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and fruits and vegetables. Eating protein such as lean meats and fish, vegetables as well as healthy fats such as extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado, with your meal helps to keep you feeling fuller longer. 
Be mindful of your method of cooking also and avoid foods that are deep-fried, battered and cooked in creamy or cheese sauces and instead try baking, steaming and stir frying. Experiment with different spices and seasonings to create a flavor profile that still excites your tastebuds. The benefits will extend beyond the new-and-improved person you see in the mirror. Opting for natural foods can also reduce the risk of cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer while increasing your life expectancy. Who wouldn’t want to stick around a few more years after losing all that weight?!
The concept for more energy, better health & lasting diet change With "eat less eat more" - restart your life was developed based on current scientific findings, a simple, practical and practical concept for nutritional optimization. The aim was to create a concept that can be flexibly integrated into everyday life and with which one can achieve and maintain his desired weight in the long term without hunger, without the feeling of abandonment and without significant additional effort. Through the recommended regular meals and the optimal nutrient supply of the body, the body is to be freed from the insulin resistance ("sugar addiction") prevalent in most of us today and thus from the emergency program. Slag and toxins should be removed more efficiently. Many users report in addition to the often very significant weight loss in places such as stomach, legs and buttocks from a very good feeling of fullness, more energy and performance, better sleep and better liver and kidney values. restart is not a classic diet, but a real "lifestyle program", which should bring your body back to its natural balance: When restarting you adjust your diet so that your metabolism, especially the insulin-dependent metabolism, is activated and your body comes out from the emergency program hungry. Thus you can lose weight sustainably, effectively and above all without starving.


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